Fix for missing desktop entries (Application Shortcuts) for apps installed as Snaps with snapcraft

Ashok Raja T
Technology Specialist
August 22, 2021
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Even though you have installed snaps correctly, you may not be able to view the application shortcuts in the Application Launcher (Start Menu) because of snapcraft’s conflict with other applications.

In this article, let us see how to fix the missing desktop entries ( application shortcuts) for the applications that are installed from the snap store and from the local machine.

Desktop Entries

In Linux, the menu items of Application Launchers are created through Desktop Entries. These are special text files that contain the name, display icon, execution path, and other key information of the application that controls its start-up behavior. The locations where the system has to look for these entries are managed by an environment variable named “XDG_DATA_DIRS“. If the path is not part of this environment variable, we may not be able to view the links of those applications in the Application Launcher. This is the exact reason for the missing menu items of the apps that are installed as snaps through Snap Store or from local.

The Root Cause And The Fix

If you are using zsh as your primary shell, then you may face this issue as snapcraft doesn’t take into consideration of zsh configuration. With the default installation, desktop entries of snaps are located at “/var/lib/snapd/desktop“. If you add this path to the “XDG_DATA_DIRS” variable, the issue would be fixed.

Note: I am using Kubuntu, the KDE variant of Ubuntu as my primary OS. All these settings are based on zsh running on Kubuntu.

List of Snaps Installed

The below is the screenshot of the list of snaps that are installed on my machine. The line items that are highlighted in yellow are the snaps that have desktop entries. All the other snaps are helper snaps.
Snap List

In the below image, I am searching for an app named Fast Stone Image Capture (snap named as fsc in the above list). It is one of the popular screen capture applications for Windows. Although I use Flameshot and Spectacle in Linux, I missed this application a lot. So I created a snap for this Windows Application with Wine.
snap search

This snap is still in my local machine and I haven’t published it to the snap store yet.Will share the details of packaging a windows application as snaps in upcoming articles.

Configuration Steps

Follow the below steps to make changes to the variable “XDG_DATA_DIRS“.

1. Edit the file “60x11-common_xdg_path” located at /etc/X11/Xsession.d by executing the command “sudo nano /etc/X11/Xsession.d/60x11-common_xdg_path” in terminal.
2. Press the keys Ctrl + w and search for export XDG_DATA_DIRS. It would be somewhere around line 22, depending on the settings in your machine.
3. Just above that line, add XDG_DATA_DIRS=/var/lib/snapd/desktop:"$XDG_DATA_DIRS"
x11 env variable
4. Save and exit the file ( Ctrl + x and yes ).
5. Restart your machine and search for the installed snap, in Application Launcher.
6. If everything is fine, you can find the snaps in the Application Menu.

snap in application menu

So, no more hassle of starting the snaps from the terminal despite having a GUI 🙂

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